
Running Scripts Is Disabled on This System

Why Running Scripts Is Disabled on This System PowerShell is a practical utility that you can run certain command lines to access various services of an operating system as an administrator. However, many Windows 10 users encounter the error message “cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system”. This error often occurs when the PowerShell execution policy doesn’t allow sunning scripts. In addition, this error also appears when running a certain PowerShell script. To fix the “execution of scripts is disabled on this system” error, we explore the following troubleshooting methods.  Fix 1. Set the PowerShell Execution Policy to RemoteSigned   As you might know, the PowerShell execution policy is set to Restricted status by default. In order to run the PowerShell script, you need to create a PowerShell script first and then change the execution policy. There are 4 major different execution policies and you can change it based on your demands.  Res...